We fill gaps in leadership when there is an awareness that the organization is to be without an executive director or other senior leader for an extended period or needs outside executive-level assistance with a special project.

A sudden departure—voluntary or involuntary – extended family leave, the need to focus on a strategic business shift. These are a few of the reasons why a board might need temporary executive-level support. An interim executive director can provide leadership when the in-house organization doesn’t have or can’t apply the required resources (people, time) or capabilities.

Carlye Christianson is well equipped to serve these functions and help your organization move forward in a time of transition or other organizational stress. Importantly, in addition to strong business acumen, strategic thinking, and industry knowledge, She is well versed in organizational dynamics, change management principles, and the intricacies of running for profits and not for profits in a way that complies with regulatory requirements.  Efforts are undertaken with appropriate sensitivity. This is always essential, but vital, when negative circumstances surround the leadership gap.