The strategic plan forms the cornerstone of any business, and The Christianson Company can help ensure that the organization’s plan is developed and it supports mission success.

Typically, strategy projects fall into the following categories:

Strategic plan review and/or facilitation of its development 
To develop consensus around the strategic plan and help ensure the organization is prepared to execute it, The Christianson Company can conduct a review of the annual strategic plan with the appropriate constituents, providing as needed related training or facilitating development of the plan itself. 

Business-model effectiveness
The Christianson Company can evaluate the effectiveness of the business model based on underlying drivers, including financial conditions and trends, fund development performance and outlook, business strategy, specific program strategies, and operational strategy. Depending on the organization’s circumstances and goals, the review could result in recommendations around service changes, program consolidation, or collaboration or even merger with another organization.

Program need and effectiveness 
The Christianson Company can review specific programs, conduct an assessment of the need for the programs, and evaluate how effectively the programs meet stated needs. Recommendations then can be made regarding program refinements.

Regulatory compliance 
We can assess how well the organization meets state and federal laws and industry standards and then work to craft a prioritized plan to achieve and maintain compliance.